He was dying when I took him in
He could hardly walk so I had to carry him up onto my porch.
His ears were SOOOOO infected, packed full of pruritus, mucus, blood--
the worst otitis discharge I've ever, ever seen (and I've been doing this all my life).
His eyes were cloudy, also full of gunk and his nails were so long they'd curled
around into the pads of his feet.
I assumed the "rotting" odor he emitted was a result of his ear infections.
Pops arrived with a smorgasbord of infections, pain and infirmities.
No matter what I tried to garner a response from him,
even plain but savory scrambled eggs, his only response
was to shake and pant heavily, even though it was a beautifully cool October Saturday.
It was after-hours at my veterinarian's clinic and since I'm able to triage on my own
(most of the time) I considered my options here at the Sanctuary.
To boost his appetite and make him feel better overall, I decided to grind up
40mg ( a HIGH dose I know but he was fading fast!) of Prednisone,
mix in some water and shoot it down the back of his throat with a needle-less syringe.
That's when I learned that the rotting odor wasn't a result
of Pops' ear infections, it was coming from his mouth!
It looked like most of his teeth were rotting.
Baby Steps from an Old Man
The next day, I gave Pops another 40mg of crushed Prednisone.
Two hours later, I got him to stand up, but just barely. Later that day, around 5pm,
as I cooked off some boneless chicken breasts in attempt to tempt Pops, I heard a
It was unfamiliar; I know each voice of my dogs and this wasn't one of them.
Again, "BARK!"
I walked out onto the porch and the third and final, "BARK!" was sounded
and don't you just love it? It was POPS!
Guess who had plain boiled chicken breast for dinner that night...
...and the next morning...that afternoon and again that night?
Because he had such severe dental issues, Pops (aka "Papi") found hard kibble
painful to chew but I was thrilled that he was eating something.
I continued to tackle his ear and it was a months-long battle to get them
clean, pink and relatively healthy. Once I got the ear/otitis issues under control,
Pops went to the vet for a dental...and needed TWENTY TWO TEETH EXTRACTED,
some just rotting roots of teeth broken off long ago.
This dog had been suffering for a looong time. It's maddening.
Steps Are Scary When You're Fragile
Day Two of "Operation Pops Prednisone".
I was thrilled that Pops was actually trying to move, especially
after his first twenty four hours where he remained frozen by immobility.
Seven months later, look at his clear eyes! His nice manicure!
His elegant and strong posture! He even climbed into the cubby where this one dog bed is!
Agility, acuity and an affinity to live, Pops has rediscovered his Inner Dog.
Days of Ease
He deserves soft, fluffy bedding the rest of his days.
His coat is nice and shiny, isn't it? Fish oil works wonders,
along with a good diet, exercise and affection.
Pops' gratitude was apparent from the start.
After Dinner
He feels chuffed!
Pops Strolls, Pops Trots, Pops Glides
Rescue and rehabilitation works!
Happy ending.