It's blurry but who wants to see an engorged tick in HD?
I found this parasite earlier today, lolling on the floor.
Into a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol it went, a quick demise.
The Frontline TopSpot wannabe is scandalous.
Obviously, it does not work.
Regardless, NEVER smash these fat ticks;
they are full of eggs and all you're doing is releasing them.
They're very hardy and true parasites. Dispose of them as
directed, in alcohol, treating as a biohazard because the little
bastards are disgusting carriers. Bloodsuckers.
The rains are going on forever
But I love the rain and for the most part, it makes for
quiet dogs and better writing. Unfortunately, the ticks LOVE
the rain and 74* days in November. The cold spells make them
aggressive in their search for a warm host.
They're much more lethargic, though, than in Spring/Summer.
They take a lot longer to blow up.
Sid didn't get out of bed until 3:30pm
Why? Because it poured rain all morning and what sane
creature would want to go out in that?
Siddy savored the coziness of my bed and probably the
only reason he got up this afternoon was because he had to tinkle.
She always has something to add to the conversation.