My Attorney, his Granddaughter and my Norman:
Steve Voelker, Harper and Norman, my doppelganger.
Norman never lets ANYONE hold him but me.
Every now and then, he acquiesces and on this day
Look at him! He can't help but smile.
I mean Norman, not Steve.
But look at Steve's smile and look at Harper's...'s that for "blood relative"?
We inherit much more than our DNA from our kin.
Notice to the left on the sofa dog treats that Laura, Steve's paralegal,
had waiting for us! It's nice to actually like your attorney, et al.
With those legs, how could I not like Voelker?
My Redneck Refrigerator on the Porch
These are some of my magnets on the freezer door.
I like funny. Here's what's there:
"I used to care but now I take a pill for that",
"You say I'm a BITCH like it's a bad thing!",
"I'm not a Lesbian but I hate men",
"Alone at last!",
"It's so involved being me",
"Rehab is for Quitters",
"She liked 'imaginary men' best of all".
A dog for a dog...
You can really see the desire in his eyes.
It's subtle but he is willing that plastic hotdog to come to him
Look at the lower lip, the chin jutting. The dead stare.
I love dogs. They keep it simple.
The Former Four Kings
Cash, Glory, Pops and Percy.
Checking the camera battery
Gabe suffers no Fools
Even good looking, seemingly harmless visitors.
Some dogs can be pains in the neck.
Move along, Dog! There's nothing to see here...
Stewie the Visitor got Gabe's vibe right away.
He's moving away in a respectful manner.
Another great thing about dogs--their body language is
pronounced, clear, easy. They have bad moods just like
you and I; It's a drag when we're all hormonal at the same time.
And at the end of the day...
...All a girl really needs or wants is her own toy.
Daisy always loved "Mr. Potato Head".
I sleep with books. Reading till I fall off to sleep.
Some nights I can read forever, other nights I out within 15 minutes.
Right now I'm all about Voltaire. Again.