Tonight's Special: Smoked Turkey Breast (served cold)
Tillie LOVES her meals here; she even has courses!
The dogs announce her arrival every time, a cacophony of
frustated/excited/Keystone Cops clammoring as Tillie climbs along
the big locust tree branch that hangs over and delivers her safely to
the roof of our camper. She's smart and seemingly nonplussed by me.
As for the dogs, she knows they're not wanting to play with her,
at least not while she's alive. The dogs watch me climb the ladder
as I put some dog kibble and fresh, cool water on the roof for T.
Next she gets meat or an egg or a peanut butter sandwich.
Lastly, she has fruit and cheese and a cookie. Or a Pop-Tart.
Or Cinnamon toast. She loves cinnamon. I feed her garlic bread,
once a week, as a natural parasite repellent. Garlic is it.
She's a bob-tail!
No, I don't know what happened to her tail. I'm sure my
dogs didn't get it because they would have gotten ALL of her!
"The Sheep Were Not Impressed..."
Despite the sheep dog's efforts during last week's NATURE on PBS.
No, I don't have sheep here although I considered goats a long time ago.
To sleep, perchance to dream...
Finn, Glory, Percy 2009
Finn's legs are so long he used to drape them over everyone!
They would sleeps like this, unmoved, for hours.