An arthritic root relic from the January 2009 Ice Storm/Blizzard
It was a 75 ft tall White Pine. 75 is a conservative guess.
There are some really tall trees here.
That night the trees like this one were snapping like twigs.
Our power was out (the first of eleven days/nights) so all night long...
...a gunshot sound and then the fell boom as the trees toppled.
Every time this happened a physical vibration in the dark, freezing camper,
it woke all the dogs and I throughout the night with each new lost timber.
It looked like a war zone the next morning.
I have some excellent photos from that time on our MySpace page.
It's link is at the top of this page. Camp fires at night in
20* temperatures provided heat for me as well as the dogs
during the Ice-Out when we were powerless in every way.
Mmmmm...fresh salad for lunch!
Pops is my Epicurean. He is Lazarus, rising from The Dead.
Life is too short to not enjoy.
Buddha Dog.
Aloft, Free Spirit.
Sunset on Whipporwill Hills
We're auctioning this view July 21, not the 14th.
Just had my bath, sprayed down with Deep Woods OFF
and am considering cold dinner options. My strawberries are still
bearing loads of fruit so maybe a fresh berry milkshake with
whipped cream on top. Lots of cold whipped cream.
Wrinkles are beautiful...
Daisy Mae Fraze--
she is perfection, in her own divinely unique way.