I love when they sit quietly, mutually absorbed in whatever it is they see...
Amy Jo and Donnie, on the steps of the porch attached to the camper.
I don't remember what they were looking at but these are two of the more "vocal"
dogs. Seeing them sitting there, so pensive and precious and for a
change, so completely QUIET.
I held out the choices: toaster waffle or Pop-Tart.
He chose the waffle--it had fake blueberries in it!
I don't try to touch his hand or make "friends". Cute, but wild.
It's still fun planning his menu...
Even old dogs like Harvey still love a good ball!
He's a true doll, so sweet and affectionate. He's only here for awhile
or at least until his home of 14 years gets a new place, a job, a life...
Harvey looks like he's fussing at the ball, doesn't he?
It seems to be a very "Snoopy" gesture: "Meh."
Our recently donated video camera...
what's left of it. Daisy decided to shoot some footage but she bit
down too hard on the record button and decimated the camera.
I hate these kind of discoveries.
This is Finn. Finn loves swimming pools. Even EMPTY pools.
Eventually "Finny" shredded this pool, turning it into a kind of plastic
mulch that took forever to clean up. Finn just layed there and watched me.
Gabe, so handsome, so gallant, so retrieving!
Adopted by an elderly widow in Charlestown, he keeps her company,
her 24/7 unconditional companion. She has a huge family who are in
and out all of the time so Gabe is in Heaven!